Broken Open
transforming pain into purpose

A 1:1 personalized healing program

I’ve seen (and experienced) it so many times: painful, traumatic, chaotic experiences knock on someone’s door asking them to use this as a catalyst for transformation, to deepen and accelerate their growth and healing. Human inclination, however, (and understandably so) is to freeze, run or simply continue perpetuating the pain and cycles.

To be broken open is to meet the deepest parts of yourself, shadows and all, to connect to your emotions and pain so that you may process and release them and break free of the unconscious wounds that are dictating your life.

What You Receive

  • 3 month container

  • Bi-weekly, 75-90 minute sessions

  • Email support in between sessions

  • Reiki healing, inner healing coaching, spiritual mentorship, intuitive guidance

  • A program completely tailored to your current experiences and needs

  • A journal mailed to you at the start, handpicked by me

  • A small celebratory gift at the end of our time together

  • The flexibility to meet in person or virtually, depending on your schedule and where you live

  • Immense energetic, emotional, mental and/or spiritual transformation

About the Program

  • I love one on one sessions and will continue to offer them. I have many clients who do monthly maintenance, for instance.

    However, when starting out in or deepening your healing journey, you need more consistent, personal support.

    This 3-month container allows you to commit to yourself and allows us to really dive deep to see significant results.

    Just like any therapeutic work, a one-time session isn’t going to bring you the depths of change you need and desire. Committing yourself to 3 months together allows that process to unfold while having someone (me) hold space for you to explore all parts of yourself, pain, healing, etc.

  • This program is $500/month for a 3-month total of $1,500. Payments are made monthly.

  • This container is 3 months from the time of our first session, with bi-weekly sessions moving forward (6 sessions total). We will determine the best time/day to schedule these sessions together.

  • Most sessions will be held virtually via Zoom.

    However, if you’re in the San Diego area, we can experience some sessions in person in Carlsbad Village.

Submit Your Application